Momentum Meet Up
Mobile Wedding Invitations
November 5th, 2022

You are invited!!!
Momentum Meet Up
Saturday, November 5, 2022
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CST

Deforest Community Center
505 N. Main Street
Deforest, WI 53598

We are SO excited about this fantastic event and to combine teams to learn and grow together! Come ready to be inspired, learn a lot, and move your business forward! Bring your team and invite a guest too! (Non-Plexus). We will be giving away some fun prizes to those who bring the most team members and those who bring the most guests! The entry fee is $10/ person and that covers your lunch (mexican) and training costs. Please Venmo $10 to your Jewel Leader below and RSVP to reserve your seat!
We can't wait to see you soon!
It's going to be a wonderful time
and you won't want to miss it!!! 



Please RSVP!
1.Name: First and Last (Required) 
2.Will you be attending this event? (Required) 
Yes I will be there!
Sadly, I will not be able to make it.
3.Phone Number  
4.Email Address  
5.Your Plexus Rank  
6.Your Sponsor  

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