You are invited
Tzippy Klatzko & Mordechai Anteby
May 2nd, 2021
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Tzippy Klatzko
Mordechai Anteby
Mobile Wedding Invitations
May 2nd, 2021

With Gratitude to Hashem Yisborach
Mordechai and Tzippy
request the pleasure of your company
at the celebration of their marriage
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Kabolas Panim at 6:00 PM 
Chupah at 7:00PM
Dinner Reception to Follow
Valley Terrace 
121 College Road, Monsey NY
Rabbi and Mrs Benzion Klatzko 
Rabbi and Mrs Yaakov Yisrael Anteby

Valley Terrace
121 College Road

We look forward to celebrating with you. Please kindly reply here.
1.Your name: (Required) 
2.Will you attend our wedding? (Required) 
accept with pleasure
Declines with regrets
3.Attendee guest names(one name per line):  
4.Will you attend our ceremony?  
will attend
5.Will you attend our reception?  
will attend
6.A message for the couple:  
7.Spare question (Single line text)  
  • Hailey Katz 
  • 5/2/2021 14:28 
  • Mazel Tov! ❤️

  • Chaim Fishof 
  • 5/2/2021 12:07 
  • Mazal Tov!

  • Yoel and brochie weinberger 
  • 5/2/2021 11:54 
  • Mazel tov

  • Max Gold 
  • 5/2/2021 11:29 
  • Mazel Tov!!!

  • Rosenwasser 
  • 5/2/2021 11:05 
  • Our heartfelt MAZEL TOV wishes for a gezunte long marriage together amvsh and an easy upbringing of beautiful family!

  • RachelLeah Rauh 
  • 5/2/2021 10:34 
  • May your lives together be as happy and beautiful as this chassanahe!

  • Brianna Carmona 
  • 5/2/2021 01:44 

  • Riki Rosenberg 
  • 4/30/2021 00:48 
  • Mazal tov! Looking forward to joining your simcha!

  • Tirza 
  • 4/29/2021 19:34 
  • Tzzzzziiippy!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Mazal tov and many many many more simchot to come!

  • Joey and Ayalla Grunfeld 
  • 4/29/2021 16:55 
  • We would really love to join you but are just too far away. We will however be with you in spirit and thought. Huge mazel tov!

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You may help to preserve the precious moments for us by uploading photo you shoot during our wedding.