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10 Years Anniversary Event for Tawaya medical Co.
March 8th, 2023
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10 Years
Anniversary Event
Tawaya medical Co.
Mobile Wedding Invitations
March 8th, 2023

Tawaya Medical Co. (HBI)
request the honor of your presence at the
10 years anniversary
an exclusive hair care event
on Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at 12:00 - 5:00 PM
Nahdi Main Office Al Murjan




HBI Historical Review: 10 Years of Successful Partnership with nahdi



HBI Historical Review: 10 Years of Successful Partnership with nahdi



Alfaparf Business in KSA : Dynamic Figure Show



2023 Business Plan and Brand Innovation : Exploring opportunities 



2023 Marketing Pillars and Activities : A road map to legendary position 




Technical live show : closer look at latest haircare techniques 


Amine Damir

Commercial Director, Alfaparf Group


Andrea Tomasoni

Global Head Of Export Division, Alfaparf Group


Eleonora Bonalumi

International Trade Marketing Director, Alfaparf Group


Federico Orlando

Global Head Export of Retail Division, Alfaparf Group


Patrizio Paoli

International Training and Education Manager, Alfaparf Group


Mohammed Moghazy

CEO, HBI - Global


Mohammed Fouad

Marketing Director, HBI - Global


Adel Fathy

Sales Manager, HBI - KSA


Ahmed Dawy

Business Unit Manager, HBI - KSA


Nahdi Main Office Al Murjan
P423+RX5, Al Murjan، Unnamed Road, Jeddah 23715, Saudi Arabia
For more information call:
0581009585 Ahmed Dawy

We look forward to your participation. Please kindly reply here.
1.Your name? (Required) 
2.Which haircare aspect is more interesting to you?  
Hair relaxation
Hair treatment
Daily care
3.Which brand do you like to try? (Book your sample kit)  
IL Salone
Keratin Therapy
Semi di Lino
Alta Moda
4.Your contact phone please?  

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