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Please edit the RSVP questionnaire below |
How to use QRcode checkin
1. Check to enable the QRCode checkin function.
2. When guests submit RSVP questionaire, an unique QR code is generated.
3. Upon check in, guests show the QR Code to reception staff.
4. Reception staff scan the QR Code and enter the [Verification code] to confirm.
5. All guests check-in result are summarized in RSVP report.
What is public reply
Select the checkbox of question that is reply in public. All guest replies of these questions will be listed in RSVP subpage.
For example: You may want to enable the public-reply on Name and Greeting message.
What is answer required?
Select the checkbox of question that mandatory require an answer.
For example: You may require guests to answer the questions of name and attending decision.
Select |
Question |
Public reply
Answer required
Setup countdown clock and schedule automatic SMS reminder.
Share buttons are automatically configued when open the invitation on mobile devices.
- This subpage enable guests to send monetary gifts to you online with credit cards.
- No setup costs or monthly fees. You pay a small portion of donation you receive.
- A PayPal premier or business account is needed to withdraw money.
- Processing fee for US account is 2.9% + $0.30 USD per donation
e.g., on a $100 donation, you pay a $3.20 fee.
- PayPal's restrictions and fees vary from different country and currency.
Please test it personally to ensure everything is OK before you send to guests.
- This subpage enable guests to upload photos from mobile phones.
- If you don't need it, please hide this subpage.
- To manage uploaded photos please visit [Account] > [My invitation].
- The total uploaded photo number is limited to 200 photos.

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